Diddy was feeling a bit of the heat when asked about his on-again, off-again relationship with Yung Miami

The 2023 Met Gala (May 1st) was, as it typically is, a day to remember for it's showcasing of attire that dazzled, stunned, confused, or some combination of the three.
In the case of Diddy though, the sentiment in the air could be described as sweat-inducing.
Diddy arrived to the fundraising event accompanied by Yung Miami, the City Girls star of which he had been in an open-relationship with until their split days ago, according to Miami. This became up to question, however, when the pair arrived to the Met and were approached by La La Anthony representing Vogue and asked about their relationship-status.
"I have the million dollar question right now," Anthony declared. "Are you ready for it? … So, do y’all officially go together real bad?" Anthony would press P. Diddy for an answer when he only responded by wiping away sweat, which possibly could have been due to the heavy outfit he was wearing, but certainly did not help in making him look less embarrassed. Finally, he would provide an answer.
"We definitely go together real bad. She’s my date for the night, she’s incredible...We don’t put titles on it. Everybody wants us to put a title on it; we don’t put titles on it. This is like my best friend in the world, one of the most beautiful people God has blessed me to meet, and I’m blessed that she’s my date tonight."
Yung Miami followed-up on Diddy's answer with "It's just a good date night."
Diddy's answer could be interpreted as rather vague, as perhaps his affirmation of him and Miami refusing to put a label on their relationship could mean a number of things; one answer being that in the days since their apparent break-up, the pair may have already rekindled what was severed but are not ready to give a straight-answer to the public yet.
No one can say for certain what is going in with the two, but we can surmise that any one of us would likely be sweating too if we had to walk in around in what Diddy was wearing.